Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bring it

(not skate skiing, but enjoying the snow with capes. couldn't resist)
faces to the sky with tongues out waiting for the perfect snowflakes. they land. smiles. winter is gripping strong, despite it's partner in crime creeping southward. we've had an AMAZING stretch of skate skiing this past week..hoping to get out on the sound this weekend with splitboards on board.
we just found out that both of us will be traveling to teshekpuk lake in NPRA (national petroleum reserve-alaska) to do shorebird work for a few weeks this summer. more smiling. 5 weeks left 'til summer, 5 inches of freshies in the driveway (uhnsta-uhnsta), 5 hours of darkness. ok...maybe not down to 5 yet. but soon!


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Melanie.Justin.Ethan.Leif said...

Hi guys! I went back and saw the yellowheaded blackbirds, and a lot of other species too. I'm glad you started the blog so I can keep with your summer adventures.....if you have access to a computer that is.

langenheim said...

I wanna cape!